The Annual Church Camp
The Annual Church camps of St. Andrew's Church were begun with the purpose of conducting theme-based Bible Study Retreats for members of our congregation to facilitate spiritual growth and fellowship within the church.
Camp 2005The aim of the camps was to work towards a better understanding of the Scriptures, practical applications in everyday life situations, clearing of many doubts and questions and facilitating fellowship among people of all ages. This has resulted in enriched personal and family lives and an enhanced spiritual atmosphere within the fellowship of the church.
In our busy lives, it is often difficult to find the time to focus on the word of God for more than a few minutes at a time and to reflect on its meaning and application to our lives. We also feel the need for fellowship with like-minded people who are travelling the same road and reaching for the same goals, so that in encouraging and supporting one another, we may all find the journey more pleasant and enriching.
In the atmosphere of a Camp, this need is well met as we retreat away from the demands of our daily lives for a short period of time and give ourselves fully to the refreshing of body, mind and spirit.
Camp Pictures
The First Church Camp was held on 25 th & 26 th January 2003 in Scripture Union Camp site and the theme for the Camp was "Freedom in Christ" Participants were so blessed by this camp that it was unanimously decided by all present that such camps should be conducted annually.
The Second Annual Church Camp was on 24 th and 25 th January 2004 in St. Thomas International Centre for Retreat and Pilgrimage. The theme was "So great a Salvation". The Guest speaker was Dr. S W Chandrasekar from Bangalore.
The Third Annual Church Camp was on 29 th and 30 th January 2005 in St. Thomas International Centre for Retreat and Pilgrimage. The theme was "Abundant Life & Eternal Life". The Guest speaker was Mr. Rajkumar R from New Delhi.
The Fourth Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2006 in the Church campus itself - non-residential camp. The theme was "Obedient Discipleship". The Guest speaker was Rev. John Wood from U S A.
The Fifth Annual Church Camp was on 13th, 14th and 15th January 2007 in the Church campus itself - non-residential camp. The theme was "Present Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice". The Guest speaker was Mr. Rajkumar R from New Delhi.and Rev. Michael Peppin from Chennai.
The Sixth Annual Church Camp was on 11th, 12th and 13th January 2008 in CRENIEO, Muttukadu. The theme was "Spiritual Maturity". The Guest speakers were Rev. John Wood from U S A. and Dr. S W Chandrasekhar from Bangalore.
The Seventh Annual Church Camp was on 16th, 17th and 18th January 2009 in the Church campus itself - non-residential camp. The theme was "I will build My Church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it". The Guest speakers were Mr. C B Samuel from New Delhi & Rev C A Benjamin from Bangalore.
The Eighth Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2010 in CReNIEO, Muttukadu. The theme was "Grow, Glow & Go". The Guest speakers were Rev. David Singh from U S A. and Mr. Silas Balraj from Chennai.
The Nineth Annual Church Camp was on 15th and 16th January 2011 at Karigiri. The theme was "Being Ambassadors of the Kingdom". The Guest speakers were Mr. PKD Lee from Hyderabad & Rev Valentine Davidar from Bangalore.
The Tenth Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2012 at St. Thomas Mount. The theme was "Christian Life- Controlled and Empowered by the Holy Spirit". The Guest speakers were Dr Rajkumar Ramachandran from New Delhi and Rev Dr Brian Wintle from Bangalore.
The Eleventh Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2013 at Joe Beach, ECR. The theme was ""Chosen to be fruitful"". The Guest speakers were Rev Valentine Davidar from Bangalore.
The Twelth Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2014 at St. Thomas Mount. The theme was "True Spirituality". The Guest speakers were Dr.Prabhu Singh from Bangalore and Dr.Paul Cornelius from Bangalore.
The Thirteenth Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2015 at Joe Beach, ECR. The theme was "Turning setbacks into Springboards". The Guest speakers were Dr.Brian Wintle from Bangalore & Rev C B Samuel from New Delhi.
The Fourteenth Annual Church Camp was on 15th and 16th January 2016 at Joe Beach, ECR. The theme was "Me and My House". The Guest speakers were Grp Capt. Don Lazarus & Anita Lazarus, Malaysia and Rev P John Wesley & Mercy Wesley from Chennai.
The Fifteenth Annual Church Camp was on 13th and 14th January 2017 at Joe Beach, ECR. The theme was "Foundations". The Guest speakers were Rev Paul Asveen & Rev Ashish Raichur.
The Sixteenth Annual Church Camp was on 26th, 27th and 28th January 2018 at Yelagiri. The theme was "Are You Ready?". The Guest speakers were Mr.Rampert Ratnaiah & Mr Thomas George.
The Seventeenth Annual Church Camp was on 14th and 15th January 2019 at Pleasant Days Resort, Sembarambakkam. The theme was "Grow in Grace, Intimacy and Giving Glory to God". The Guest speakers were Dr. Rajkumar and Dr.P.C.Verghese.
The Eighteenth Annual Church Camp was on 15th and 16th January 2020 at Green Coconut Resort, ECR. The theme was "Living in End Times for Eternity". The Guest speakers were Rev. C B Samuel and Bro. Silas Paulraj.
The Nineteenth Annual Church Camp was on 13th and 14th January 2023 at Green Coconut Resort, ECR. The theme was "Our Kingly Calling As God’s Vice Regents". The Guest speakers were Mr. Paul Balasundaram, Mr. Wilfred Davidar & Dr.Shanthi Davidar
Sharing of Blessings
As God bestows his blessings on us, we are moved to share them with others. With this objective in view we celebrate two annual events at the Kirk.
Thanksgiving Service
A Thanksgiving Service is conducted every September during which Congregation members bring their offerings in kind, such as food grains, pulses, cooking mediums, energy foods, hygiene material, toiletries and the like and these are distributed to about 20+ organisations taking care of people living in conditions of poverty and deprivation.
Christmas Sharing Sale
A Christmas Sharing Sale is conducted on the first Sunday in December every year and the proceeds go towards sharing our material blessings with those who are not fortunate enough to find their own means to celebrate, so that they may also share in our joy.
All the Outreach Projects of the Church and individual Congregation members set up stalls to sell different kinds of wares, such as plants, varieties of foods and handicrafts. There are competitions for children in games, music and fancy dress as well as a Bible quiz for adults . This Christmas Sharing Sale is a gala festive occasion and members spend lavishly, knowing that they are contributing for a worthy cause.
The entire amount raised is donated to about 30 Christian organisations supporting destitute, orphans, old age homes, victims of incurable diseases and others living under adverse conditions. During the last two years, we have managed to raise above Rs. 20,00,000/- through this annual event.